Online Registration Payment
Registration payments go to pay for all of the costs associated with holding the annual meeting, including supporting our paper prizes, the keynote speech, and publishing the FCH Annals. You may pay the advance registration fee securely online by credit card or PayPal. First, choose the participation level that applies to you. The registration fee is higher if you pay during the meeting. The FCH is a non-profit organization, and we invite you to give a tax deductible contribution, which helps to fund the various awards we offer. Please go to our refunds page for more information on cancellations and refunds. You may also download the registration form and mail in a check or credit card information.
1) Registration Fee: Choose Level of Participation
2) Guest Registration Fee ($65): Pay only if you are bringing guests to the banquet and keynote address.
3) Invited Tax Deductible Contributions: Please consider a donation to fund our paper and poster prizes. Receipt is available upon request.
$100 Gift to the Florida Conference of Historians
$50 Gift to the Florida Conference of Historians
$20 Gift to the Florida Conference of Historians
$10 Gift to the Florida Conference of Historians