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Film, Video, Animation, and Media Screening Proposal Online Form
NOTE: In the "Abstract" box, make sure to indicate the following: 1) the category, i.e., Documentary, Experimental, or Animation; 2) running time (must be 40 minutes or less); 3) the Youtube/Vimeo login information, including password; 4) if you wish your submission to be in jury competition. A copy of this form will be sent to the local arrangements coordinator and the Chair of the Media, Arts, and Culture Section. Please note that all accepted media submissions will be sent to a jury whose members have a diverse range of academic backgrounds and interests. Click
to see the list of jurors.
Indicates required field
Institutional Affiliation (if any)
Indicate which institution, college, university, etc. you represent, if any. If not, you may leave it blank or write "Independent Scholar".
Co-Author (if any)
Email Address
Abstract and Special Instructions
Please provide the following information in the Abstract: 1) indicate the category, i.e., Documentary, Experimental, or Animation; 2) running time (must be 40 minutes or less); 3) provide the Youtube/Vimeo login information, including password; 4) indicate if you wish your submission to be in jury competition
Participation Level
Full Time Professional/Independent Scholar/Retired/Adjunct
Graduate Student
Undergraduate Student
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Campbell Award
Browne Award
Clarke Award
McTague Award
Astolfi Grant
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