Florida Conference of Historians
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Douglas Astolfi Undergraduate Research Grant Application Form
Indicates required field
Step 1: Upload a CV or Resume
Max file size: 20MB
Upload a 1-2 page CV or Resumé
Step 2: Upload a Cover Letter
Max file size: 20MB
2. 1-2 page cover letter explaining the research project, how the grant will support the completion of their project, and students’ academic/professional goals
Step 3: Provide a Research Budget
3. Research budget including travel costs, lodging, transportation to the archive(s), and any archival registration costs
Step 4: Identify Archives and/or Papers
4. Identification of which archive(s) and records/papers the student is seeking to research
Step 5: Provide a Selected Bibliography
5. Selected bibliography of relevant historiographical sources related to the student’s topic
Step 6: Upload Letter of Support
Max file size: 20MB
Upload a letter of support from a faculty mentor/advisor
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Campbell Award
Browne Award
Clarke Award
McTague Award
Astolfi Grant
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FCH Donations