Friday, February 21, 2025
1:00 PM-5:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Session One: Friday, 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Panel 1A: Regionalism, Culture, and Society in the United States
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Alliance Colony: Jewish Farming in Southern New Jersey
Patricia Chappine, Stockton University [email protected]
Wet With the Dew of Heaven:
Examining Liminal Spaces and Lived Religion in Southern Appalachia
Christopher Adkins, University of South Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 1B: Beyond Misinterpretations of Latin America
Meeting Room: Peace B
When a Country with No Military Helped End Two Wars:
Costa Rica and the Peace of Esquipulas
Philip Travis, State College of Florida [email protected]
“I Speak For My Difference”: Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis and Queer Performance Protest in the Wake of Political Crises
Leonidas Brown, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Panel 1C: Trade and Expansion in the Americas before and after Contact
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka B
The Dutch In The New World:
Exploring the Economic Trade and Sociocultural Characteristics of Rensselaerwyck
Haley Wrye, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Drought Management Through Conquest:
The Relationship Between the Little Ice Age and Aztec Imperial Expansion
Matthew Coleman, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
One And All: The Sunken Lives of Rogue Seamen Who Sailed Under the Black Flag
Morgan Botts, Southeastern University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 1D: “Fair Tampa”: Popular Culture and Civic Identity in Tampa, 1890s-1990s
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Triumph of the Black Hussar:
Operetta and Civic Identity in Nineteenth-Century Tampa and New York
Michael Skarupa, University of Tampa [email protected]
Performing Royalty:
Gasparilla, Ethnic Appropriation, and Elite Identity in 1920s Tampa
Kerrin Fitzgerald, University of Tampa [email protected]
Breaking Barriers:
Gasparilla, the Super Bowl, and the Legacy of Segregation in Tampa
Lily Fridl, University of Tampa [email protected]
Chair: Charles McGraw Groh, University of Tampa [email protected]
Discussant: Patrick O'Brien, University of Tampa [email protected]
Session Two: Friday, 4:00-5:15 PM
Panel 2A: Urban Landscapes in Florida
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Lingering Shadows:
Illuminating the Lynching of John Thomas in St. Petersburg, Florida
Laurie Humpel, University of South Florida [email protected]
Impact and Response to Sprawling Growth in Jacksonville
Daniel Malzahn, University of North Florida [email protected]
Serving the Living By Honoring the Dead:
Jim Crow and Rosa G. Holmes Walker's Entrepreneurial Activism During the 1920s
Savanna Courtney-Durrett, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College [email protected]
Panel 2B: The Feminine Multi-verse: Iconic American Women and Culture
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Creating a Spring of Gender Consciousness
Patricia Farless, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Flagship Fastrack: The Unusual Circumstances of Wonder Woman's Market Elevation During the Golden Age of Superhero Comics
Thomas Donaldson, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jennifer Zoebelein, Charlotte County Historian
[email protected]
Panel 2C: The Material Turn: Innovative Studies in Public History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Ancient Question: Culture of the Classical World in Art and Architecture
Collin Farwell, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Palaces to Public: Revolutionary Origins of Museums in France, Russia, and China
Karina Syc, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Pillaging Benin:
A Historical Legal Perspective on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
Thomas Testa, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Panel 2D: Nineteenth Century American Expansionism
Meeting Room: Peace B
America's Egyptian Expedition
John Klein, Eastern Florida State College [email protected]
Beseeching or Besieging: Tracing the Common Origins of Filibuster Expeditions and Filibuster Speeches From the Florida, to Texas, to Kansas Territories
Evan Johnson, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Freedom in Florida from the Hispanic Perspective:
Contesting Andrew Jackson's Invasion
Alec Ainsworth, The University of Texas at Austin [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
5:30 PM-7:00 PM:
Welcome Reception
Appetizers and Refreshments
Cash Bar
Pre-Registration Available
Agenda: Update on Civic Literacy
Dr. David Proctor, Tallahassee State College
TT’s Tiki Bar
TT’s Tiki Bar is an open air restaurant and bar along the beautiful Charlotte Harbor. Great sunsets, cocktails, top notch cuisine and Punta Gorda's BEST line up of live entertainment. TT’s Tiki Bar is located next to the Fourt Points by Sheraton, Punta Gorda Harborside.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
8:00 AM-12:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Refreshments will be provided during the morning sessions
Museum Display: This museum quality exhibit on loan from the free history website will contain an array of primary sources dating back to America’s founding including colonial currency and early newspapers, the Stamp Act of 1765, the Tea Act of 1773, a contemporaneous copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution’s Cover Letter, Federalist 1, the Acts of the First Congress, the Residence Act of 1790, Hamilton’s Report on the Public Credit, the Act sending the Bill of Rights to the States, Washington’s Farwell Address, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Judiciary Act of 1801 (giving rise to the case of Marbury v. Madison), New York’s anti-dueling laws, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (America’s first civil rights law), and other artifacts that help tell America’s story as we approach the semiquincentennial in 2026.
Location: Concourse Area
Session Three: Saturday, 8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Panel 3A: Florida Newspaper Discovery #1
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Key West in a Time of Progress and Change, The Key West Citizen examines Military, Economic, Environmental, and Social issues in 1939
Alexander Holt, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Examining Environmental, Political, Labor, and Educational Transformation through the columns of the Sanford Herald, 1970
Emery Perry, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Rise from the Ashes: Race, Economics, Education, and Politics Through the Columns of the Jacksonville Sun, 1909
Johnathan Zines, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair: Richards Plavniaks, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Discussant: James Denham, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 3B: Histories of Indigenous People and Cultural Survival
Meeting Room: Myakka B
“You Took A Swamp Girl And Put Her In Utah”:
Institutional Paternalism and Education of the Florida Seminoles, 1897-1955
Hayley McCulloch, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Sacred Womanhood: Dakota Beadwork As Cultural Survival
Claire Lavarreda, Northeastern University [email protected]
The Duty to Consult and The Land Based Practices of Indigenous Men and Women in a North American Context
Emma Posca, York University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 3C: Transnational Movements in the Modern Era
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
The Protestant American Influence on Latin America
Van Povich, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Exiled in the Asylum: The Influence of Castroism for the Black Panther Movement Through the Lens of Angela Davis, Eldridge Cleaver, and Huey Newton
Alondra Jordan, Wesleyan College [email protected]
The Reds Get the Blues: Blues Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Austin Miller, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Session Four: Saturday, 9:30 AM-10:45 AM
Panel 4A: Voices of Modern Africa
Meeting Room: Peace A
Ruinous Town:
Mining, Environment, and Land Appropriation in a Ghanaian Mining Town, 1897-1935
Frimpong Asamoah, University of Miami [email protected]
“We shall be ready with one voice to proclaim, ‘The New Africa’”:
British West African Students & The Pan-African Period (1940-1945)
Giltrecia Head, University of Miami [email protected]
Manufacturing a New Future: Lessons from Ghana's 1960s Industrial Initiatives
Adelina Tratarou, University of Miami [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 4B: Power, Culture, and the Early Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace B
Henry VIII: How Insecurity Created a Tyrant
Carol Ann Lloyd, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Global Astrometeorology:
Defining Climate in John Goad's Astro-Meteorologica and His Weather Notebooks, 1652-1689
Justin Niermeier-Dohoney, Florida Institute of Technology [email protected]
Memories of Martyrdom: How the Past Guided Anabaptists in the Palatinate,
Brendan Jordan, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Anna Caney, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 4C: Gendered Histories of Florida
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Florida's Louise R. Pinnel and Other Early American Women Lawyers: "It took no small degree of courage to fly in the face of tradition"
Kimberly Voss and Lance Speere, University of Central Florida
[email protected]
"Come to My Sunland": Thinking Ecologically About Florida
Gary DeSantis, State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota [email protected]
Poisoned Paradise: Pollution and Cancer on Florida's Space Coast
Charles Closmann, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
[email protected]
Panel 4D: America's Founding Hosts:
The First Family of Hospitality Celebrating America 250 in Philadelphia and Florida
Meeting Room: Myakka B
America's Founding Hosts: A Brief History of Taverns, Inns and Colonial Boarding Houses
Adam Levinson, Attorney and Founder of [email protected]
A True Original: Gouverneur Morris, the Founders’ Founder
Tim Schantz, Board member of Smithsonian & Historical Society of Pennsylvania
[email protected]
The 14th Colony
Roger Smith, Adjunct Professor at Flagler College and University of Florida
[email protected]
Chair: Dara Hatten, Incoming Florida NSDAR Chair for America 250
[email protected]
Comments: Audience
Session Five: Saturday, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Panel 5A: Re-imagining the Southeast
Meeting Room: Peace A
South East Woodland American Indian Designs and Body Decoration Pre-Contact and Contact
Jamie Oxendine, Bowling Green State University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5B: The Voices of Monuments and Museums in World History
Meeting Room: Peace B
Ominous Graves: Tombs and Geomancy in Medieval China
Elsa Cuillé, University of Strasbourg
International Political Art by the Historical Chiurazzi Bronze Foundry of Naples-Rome (Pompeii; Naples; Rome; Ringling Museum in Sarasota, FL; Getty Museums in Los Angeles, CA), 1840s-2000s
Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5C: Personal Reflections on the Study of History and History Education
Special Interest Section: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Meeting Room: Peace B
“We have passed our lives in Serious Times”:
Undergraduate Student Reflections on Why We Should Study the Past
Christopher Berg, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5D: Roundtable on Writing for Publication
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Michael Butler, Flagler College
Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Blaine Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
Session Six: Saturday, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Panel 6A: Plenary Poster Session
Meeting Room: Peace A
Reframing Jewish Feminism in America:
An Analysis of American Jewish Women and the Negotiation of Their Jewish and Feminist Identities Pre-World War 2 to Post-World War 2
Adithi Nythruva, The University of Houston [email protected]
Rockets and Racism:
Memorializing the Space Race and German Scientists in Rocket City, USA
Jacob Winton, Florida State University [email protected]
Way Out of The Way: Finding Entertainment and Community at Smitty’s Club
Hope Evans, Florida State University [email protected]
The Invention, Patent Wars, and Long-term Effects of the Invention of Photography
Eva Poirier, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Dutch Raiders and Spanish Ruin: Economic Struggles in 17th Century Florida
Larry Soza, Miami Dade College [email protected]
Comments: Members of the McTague Award Committee
Options within blocks of Four Points by Sheraton
Session Seven: Saturday, 1:00 PM-2:15 PM
Panel 7A: Body Centered Approaches to History
Meeting Room: Peace A
Bodies in Motion: Runaways during the Loyalist Period in The Bahamas
Sasha Wells, Florida International University [email protected]
Menstruation as Witchcraft:
The Colonial Spanish Menstrual Experience and the Inquisition
Courtney Weis, Florida International University [email protected]
Recaptured Minors:
Contesting Freedom in the Abolition of Slavery in the Antebellum South
Sikiru Yusuff, Florida International University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Harvey, New College of Florida [email protected]
Panel 7B: Studies on Modern War and Colonialism
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
The Union Minerie Haut Katanga and Social Control in the Belgian Congo
Jackson Cassidy, Florida Southern College [email protected]
“Let us hope we ‘carry on’”:
The Unexpected Account of William T. Usinger's 'Over There' during the Great War
Kendra Belton, Florida Southern College [email protected]
A Cycle of Retaliation: The Violence and Terror the Spanish Government and ETA Inflicted Upon Each Other in the Franco Era (1956-1975)
Gavin Dunsby, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Charles Closmann, University of North Florida [email protected]
Panel 7C: How Sweet It Is: Icons and Images of Historic Florida
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
The History of Newspaper Wine Journalism, Florida and Across the Country
Kimberly Voss, University of Central Florida
Freshly Squeezed: The Rise of the Florida Citrus Industry
Michael Hoyt, Liberty University [email protected]
From Ponce de Leόn to Pan-Americanism:
The Florida Historical Society and Spanish Florida, 1902-1941
Lyn Hemmingway, University of Georgia [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jacob Winge, Estero Historical Society
[email protected]
Panel 7D: Re-Thinking the Medieval Era
Meeting Room: Myakka B
The Formation of Crusading Vows during the First Crusade
Paul Aitchison, Florida College [email protected]
Imagery and Blood
Alex Reid, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Finding Christina: Reconnecting St. Leonard to the Vita of Christina of Markyate
Joshua Britt, Southeastern University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Session Eight: Saturday, 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Panel 8A: Florida Newspaper Discovery #2
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
“She was a Cold-Blooded Murderer”: Homicide in Polk County and Environs as Depicted in the Lakeland Evening Telegram, 1911
Bonnie Paige Robinson, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Murder in the Florida Boom:
Homicides in Punta Gorda, Florida as Depicted in the Punta Gorda Herald, 1920
Sarah Stephens, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Race, Gender, Economics, and Politics through the Columns of the
Jacksonville Sun, 1909
Emily Evans, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair: James M. Denham, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Discussant: Richards Plavnieks, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 8B: Executive Privilege: Culture, Policy, and the Modern Presidency
Meeting Room: Peace B
Peace Through Strength: The Goldwater- Reagan Relationship and Foreign Policy
Kevin Alexander, Independent Scholar [email protected]
“Nice Beard, Mr. Vice President!”: Presidential Elections and Facial Hair
Constantinos Scaros, St. Petersburg College [email protected]
A Constellation of Controversy:
Reactions to Methadone Maintenance in the American Public Sphere, 1971-1974
Devin Hernandez, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Blaine Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
[email protected]
Panel 8C: Violence and Racism in the Twentieth Century
Meeting Room: Myakka A
The Case of Stanley Puryear and Violence against White Women in Jim Crow Memphis
Brandon Jett, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Khomeini and the KKK: The Political Machinations of Strange Bedfellows
Anna Caney, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Kimberly Voss, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Panel 8D: History Happening Now: History, Politics, and Current Events
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Russia's Use of State-Sponsored Terrorism as Acts of Covert Warfare to Avoid a Large-Scale Conflict
Jasmine Kelly, Saint Leo University [email protected]
The Russian Civil War and its Modern Day Implications
Brandon Tabala, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Global Currents of Extreme Political Ideology and Polarization in the 21st Century
Hadassa Ferreira, Saint Leo University
Chair: Marissa Rhodes, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Discussant: Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Session Nine: Saturday, 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Panel 9A: Gender, Power, and Marginalization: A Transnational Perspective
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
Female Rage and the 15th Amendment: Suffragists’ Responses to African American Male Suffrage Alizabeth Ruiz, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Influence of the Taliban on Women's Rights Post-Soviet Occupation
Haley Gardner, Saint Leo University [email protected]
The Influence of the Southern Border Crisis on International Sex Trafficking
Jacqueline Pollok, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair: Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Discussant: Marissa Rhodes, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Panel 9B: The Whip and the Crucifix:
Slavery and the Church in Colonial Latin America
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Cuban Slavery, from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century
Maria Armengol, New College of Florida
Protector or Enforcer? The Role of the Church in Colonial Latin America
Ciara McIlvenny, New College of Florida
Chair: Alicia Mercado-Harvey, New College of Florida [email protected]
Discussant: Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Punta Gorda Historic
Mural Walking Tour
Tour: 4:15-5:30 pm
Pick-Up Location: Outside Entrance of the
Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center
Over the past 30 years, the Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society has created 32 public murals in Punta Gorda, each capturing a slice of the area’s rich history. The Society is offering a 1-hour walking tour (approximately 1 mile in length) that will visit a number of the murals and a few historic locations in the downtown area. There is a maximum of 24 people on the tour. Participation is FREE for those who sign up when you pick up your badge and program.
6:30 PM-7:30 PM: Banquet and Awards
Punta Gorda Charlotte Library
401 Shreve Street
Directions: From the Event Center, take US-41 S to W. Virginia Avenue and turn right. Virginia will end at Shreve Street; turn left and you will see the library in front of you/on the right. Once in the parking lot, enter through the main entrance and present your FCH badge. Library staff will direct you to the banquet area and the meeting room. Attendees and Guests will meet first in then proceed to the buffet line for dinner.
Welcoming Remarks
Thomas Donaldson
Florida Southwestern State College
FCH President, 2025-2026
Presentation of Awards
John J. “Jack” McTague Award for Best Poster
Presented by Dr. Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University
J. Calvitt Clarke III Award for Best Undergraduate Student Paper
Presented by Dr. Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
Blaine T. Browne Award for Best Graduate Student Paper
Presented by Dr. Blaine T. Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
Thomas M. Campbell Award for Best Professional Paper
Presented by Dr. David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
Douglas Astolfi Undergraduate Grant Award
Presented by Dr. Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University
Remarks on the FCH Annals
Dr. Michael S. Cole
Florida Gulf Coast University
Senior Editor, FCH Annals
Remarks on the 2026 FCH Annual Meeting
Dr. Jesse Hingson
Jacksonville University
7:30 PM-8:30 PM: Keynote Address
Punta Gorda Charlotte Library
Punta Gorda, Florida
Meeting Room: Lecture Hall
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Thomas Donaldson
Florida Southwestern State College
Keynote Address
Dr. Jason Vuic
The Swamp Peddlers:
How Lot Sellers, Land Scammers, and Retirees Built Modern Florida and Transformed the American Dream
Originally from Punta Gorda, FL, Dr. Vuic is an award-winning author and historian based in Fort Worth, Texas. He has written four books, including The Yugo: the Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History (2010), The Sarajevo Olympics: A History of the 1984 Winter Games (2015). The Yucks! Two Years in Tampa with the Losingest Team in NFL History (2016), and most recently, with the University of North Carolina Press, The Swamp Peddlers: How Lots Sellers, Land Scammers, and Retirees Built Modern Florida and Transformed the American Dream, which won the Phillip and Dana Zimmerman Gold Medal Prize for Florida Nonfiction at the 2021 Florida Book Awards, as well as the 2021 Charlton Tebeau Award for outstanding general interest book from the Florida Historical Society. Jason is a graduate of Wake Forest University, and holds an M.A. in history from the University of Richmond and a Ph.D. in history from Indiana University Bloomington.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
8:30 AM-12:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Refreshments will be provided during the morning sessions
Session Ten: Sunday, 9:00 AM-10:15 AM
Panel 10A: Contours of Colonial Latin American History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Early Mexico-Tenochtitlan as a Crucible of Cultural Hybridization
Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Observations, Land Inspections and Indigenous Tribute in the Early Colonial Viceroyalty of Peru
Alfredo Escudero, Florida International University [email protected]
Gold for Secrets: The Hartlib Circle and the West Indies, 1620-1660
Timothy Miller, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Panel 10B: Lights, Camera, Action!
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Special Interest Section: Media, Arts, and Culture
Meeting Room: Myakka B
“Assurances of Full Cooperation”: A (Brief) History of Florida's Film and Television Industry
David Morton, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Dirty Movies and Dirty Money: Jacksonville's War on Porn, 1977-1978
David Nelson, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College-Bainbridge
[email protected]
The Limits of Disenchantment: Artificial Light and Fort Myers, Florida
Dawson Weekley, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College [email protected]
Panel 10C: New Research on Medieval Europe
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
Raymond du Puy: The Blessed Fra
Nelson Price, Southeastern University [email protected]
Reassessing the Black Death: Archaeological Insights into Mortality in England
Mary Cousineau, Wofford College [email protected]
Heretical Development: The Formation of a Good Christian Movement in 12th Century
William Fehrs, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 10D: Rights and Culture in United States History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
Lincoln's Life On the Silver Screen: An Analysis
José M. Roa, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
NOTE: This is a documentary (11 minutes)
De Universalibus In Iure Occidentali: Natural Rights within the United States
John Carroll, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
The Second Red Scare Hollywood and the Making of American Culture
Logan Izzo, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Thomas Donaldson, Florida Southwestern State College
Session Eleven: Sunday, 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
Panel 11A: Florida at the Periphery of War
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Mudd at Fort Jefferson
David Trevino, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Lakeland and The War:
The Role of Small-Town America in Winning the Second World War
Adam Rock, Hillsborough Community College [email protected]
“More exciting than any movie or television show you have ever seen”:
A Stasi Spy on Tampa Bay
Augustine Meaher, Air University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jacob Winge, Estero Historical Society
[email protected]
Panel 11B: ‘Cultura’ and Politics in Modern Florida
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Nuestra Organización: A Cultural Analysis of Ybor City in 1936
Jacob Cutler, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Race, Class, and Politics in Cold War Miami, 1948-1949
Eleora Funk, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Abre Tu Boca, Juzga Con Justicia y Defiende La Causa Del Pobre y Del Menesteroso:
The Farmworker Association of Florida, the Farmworker Health and Safety Institute, and Latin American Farmworkers in Florida, 1990s-2000s
Jibranth Espanol, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair: Jennifer Zoebelein, Charlotte County Historian
[email protected]
Comments: Audience
Panel 11C: Models of Repression in the Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Rent is Too Damn High:
Irish Nationalist Reactions to British Land Reform Measures, 1870-1903
Michael Vernon, Florida State University [email protected]
Depraved Science: The History of Nazi Experimentation
Matthew Motes, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Imprisoned at the Crossroads of Identity:
A Cultural History of the Rohwer War Relocation Center
Aiden Jones, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
[email protected]
Panel 11D: At the Top of Their Game: Sports, Nation, and Society in the Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace B
The 1936 Olympics: Deception and Appeasement
Mark Brown, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Harnessing Honors Education as an Engine for Sport History and Scholarship
Dan DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair: Dan DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Comments: Audience
1:00 PM-5:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Session One: Friday, 2:00 PM-3:45 PM
Panel 1A: Regionalism, Culture, and Society in the United States
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Alliance Colony: Jewish Farming in Southern New Jersey
Patricia Chappine, Stockton University [email protected]
Wet With the Dew of Heaven:
Examining Liminal Spaces and Lived Religion in Southern Appalachia
Christopher Adkins, University of South Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 1B: Beyond Misinterpretations of Latin America
Meeting Room: Peace B
When a Country with No Military Helped End Two Wars:
Costa Rica and the Peace of Esquipulas
Philip Travis, State College of Florida [email protected]
“I Speak For My Difference”: Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis and Queer Performance Protest in the Wake of Political Crises
Leonidas Brown, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Panel 1C: Trade and Expansion in the Americas before and after Contact
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka B
The Dutch In The New World:
Exploring the Economic Trade and Sociocultural Characteristics of Rensselaerwyck
Haley Wrye, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Drought Management Through Conquest:
The Relationship Between the Little Ice Age and Aztec Imperial Expansion
Matthew Coleman, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
One And All: The Sunken Lives of Rogue Seamen Who Sailed Under the Black Flag
Morgan Botts, Southeastern University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 1D: “Fair Tampa”: Popular Culture and Civic Identity in Tampa, 1890s-1990s
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Triumph of the Black Hussar:
Operetta and Civic Identity in Nineteenth-Century Tampa and New York
Michael Skarupa, University of Tampa [email protected]
Performing Royalty:
Gasparilla, Ethnic Appropriation, and Elite Identity in 1920s Tampa
Kerrin Fitzgerald, University of Tampa [email protected]
Breaking Barriers:
Gasparilla, the Super Bowl, and the Legacy of Segregation in Tampa
Lily Fridl, University of Tampa [email protected]
Chair: Charles McGraw Groh, University of Tampa [email protected]
Discussant: Patrick O'Brien, University of Tampa [email protected]
Session Two: Friday, 4:00-5:15 PM
Panel 2A: Urban Landscapes in Florida
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Lingering Shadows:
Illuminating the Lynching of John Thomas in St. Petersburg, Florida
Laurie Humpel, University of South Florida [email protected]
Impact and Response to Sprawling Growth in Jacksonville
Daniel Malzahn, University of North Florida [email protected]
Serving the Living By Honoring the Dead:
Jim Crow and Rosa G. Holmes Walker's Entrepreneurial Activism During the 1920s
Savanna Courtney-Durrett, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College [email protected]
Panel 2B: The Feminine Multi-verse: Iconic American Women and Culture
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Creating a Spring of Gender Consciousness
Patricia Farless, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Flagship Fastrack: The Unusual Circumstances of Wonder Woman's Market Elevation During the Golden Age of Superhero Comics
Thomas Donaldson, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jennifer Zoebelein, Charlotte County Historian
[email protected]
Panel 2C: The Material Turn: Innovative Studies in Public History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Ancient Question: Culture of the Classical World in Art and Architecture
Collin Farwell, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Palaces to Public: Revolutionary Origins of Museums in France, Russia, and China
Karina Syc, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Pillaging Benin:
A Historical Legal Perspective on the Restitution of Colonial Collections
Thomas Testa, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Panel 2D: Nineteenth Century American Expansionism
Meeting Room: Peace B
America's Egyptian Expedition
John Klein, Eastern Florida State College [email protected]
Beseeching or Besieging: Tracing the Common Origins of Filibuster Expeditions and Filibuster Speeches From the Florida, to Texas, to Kansas Territories
Evan Johnson, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Freedom in Florida from the Hispanic Perspective:
Contesting Andrew Jackson's Invasion
Alec Ainsworth, The University of Texas at Austin [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
5:30 PM-7:00 PM:
Welcome Reception
Appetizers and Refreshments
Cash Bar
Pre-Registration Available
Agenda: Update on Civic Literacy
Dr. David Proctor, Tallahassee State College
TT’s Tiki Bar
TT’s Tiki Bar is an open air restaurant and bar along the beautiful Charlotte Harbor. Great sunsets, cocktails, top notch cuisine and Punta Gorda's BEST line up of live entertainment. TT’s Tiki Bar is located next to the Fourt Points by Sheraton, Punta Gorda Harborside.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
8:00 AM-12:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Refreshments will be provided during the morning sessions
Museum Display: This museum quality exhibit on loan from the free history website will contain an array of primary sources dating back to America’s founding including colonial currency and early newspapers, the Stamp Act of 1765, the Tea Act of 1773, a contemporaneous copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution’s Cover Letter, Federalist 1, the Acts of the First Congress, the Residence Act of 1790, Hamilton’s Report on the Public Credit, the Act sending the Bill of Rights to the States, Washington’s Farwell Address, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Judiciary Act of 1801 (giving rise to the case of Marbury v. Madison), New York’s anti-dueling laws, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (America’s first civil rights law), and other artifacts that help tell America’s story as we approach the semiquincentennial in 2026.
Location: Concourse Area
Session Three: Saturday, 8:00 AM-9:15 AM
Panel 3A: Florida Newspaper Discovery #1
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Key West in a Time of Progress and Change, The Key West Citizen examines Military, Economic, Environmental, and Social issues in 1939
Alexander Holt, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Examining Environmental, Political, Labor, and Educational Transformation through the columns of the Sanford Herald, 1970
Emery Perry, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Rise from the Ashes: Race, Economics, Education, and Politics Through the Columns of the Jacksonville Sun, 1909
Johnathan Zines, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair: Richards Plavniaks, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Discussant: James Denham, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 3B: Histories of Indigenous People and Cultural Survival
Meeting Room: Myakka B
“You Took A Swamp Girl And Put Her In Utah”:
Institutional Paternalism and Education of the Florida Seminoles, 1897-1955
Hayley McCulloch, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Sacred Womanhood: Dakota Beadwork As Cultural Survival
Claire Lavarreda, Northeastern University [email protected]
The Duty to Consult and The Land Based Practices of Indigenous Men and Women in a North American Context
Emma Posca, York University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 3C: Transnational Movements in the Modern Era
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
The Protestant American Influence on Latin America
Van Povich, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Exiled in the Asylum: The Influence of Castroism for the Black Panther Movement Through the Lens of Angela Davis, Eldridge Cleaver, and Huey Newton
Alondra Jordan, Wesleyan College [email protected]
The Reds Get the Blues: Blues Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Austin Miller, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Session Four: Saturday, 9:30 AM-10:45 AM
Panel 4A: Voices of Modern Africa
Meeting Room: Peace A
Ruinous Town:
Mining, Environment, and Land Appropriation in a Ghanaian Mining Town, 1897-1935
Frimpong Asamoah, University of Miami [email protected]
“We shall be ready with one voice to proclaim, ‘The New Africa’”:
British West African Students & The Pan-African Period (1940-1945)
Giltrecia Head, University of Miami [email protected]
Manufacturing a New Future: Lessons from Ghana's 1960s Industrial Initiatives
Adelina Tratarou, University of Miami [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 4B: Power, Culture, and the Early Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace B
Henry VIII: How Insecurity Created a Tyrant
Carol Ann Lloyd, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Global Astrometeorology:
Defining Climate in John Goad's Astro-Meteorologica and His Weather Notebooks, 1652-1689
Justin Niermeier-Dohoney, Florida Institute of Technology [email protected]
Memories of Martyrdom: How the Past Guided Anabaptists in the Palatinate,
Brendan Jordan, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Anna Caney, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 4C: Gendered Histories of Florida
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Florida's Louise R. Pinnel and Other Early American Women Lawyers: "It took no small degree of courage to fly in the face of tradition"
Kimberly Voss and Lance Speere, University of Central Florida
[email protected]
"Come to My Sunland": Thinking Ecologically About Florida
Gary DeSantis, State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota [email protected]
Poisoned Paradise: Pollution and Cancer on Florida's Space Coast
Charles Closmann, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College
[email protected]
Panel 4D: America's Founding Hosts:
The First Family of Hospitality Celebrating America 250 in Philadelphia and Florida
Meeting Room: Myakka B
America's Founding Hosts: A Brief History of Taverns, Inns and Colonial Boarding Houses
Adam Levinson, Attorney and Founder of [email protected]
A True Original: Gouverneur Morris, the Founders’ Founder
Tim Schantz, Board member of Smithsonian & Historical Society of Pennsylvania
[email protected]
The 14th Colony
Roger Smith, Adjunct Professor at Flagler College and University of Florida
[email protected]
Chair: Dara Hatten, Incoming Florida NSDAR Chair for America 250
[email protected]
Comments: Audience
Session Five: Saturday, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Panel 5A: Re-imagining the Southeast
Meeting Room: Peace A
South East Woodland American Indian Designs and Body Decoration Pre-Contact and Contact
Jamie Oxendine, Bowling Green State University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5B: The Voices of Monuments and Museums in World History
Meeting Room: Peace B
Ominous Graves: Tombs and Geomancy in Medieval China
Elsa Cuillé, University of Strasbourg
International Political Art by the Historical Chiurazzi Bronze Foundry of Naples-Rome (Pompeii; Naples; Rome; Ringling Museum in Sarasota, FL; Getty Museums in Los Angeles, CA), 1840s-2000s
Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5C: Personal Reflections on the Study of History and History Education
Special Interest Section: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Meeting Room: Peace B
“We have passed our lives in Serious Times”:
Undergraduate Student Reflections on Why We Should Study the Past
Christopher Berg, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 5D: Roundtable on Writing for Publication
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Michael Butler, Flagler College
Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University
Blaine Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
Session Six: Saturday, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM
Panel 6A: Plenary Poster Session
Meeting Room: Peace A
Reframing Jewish Feminism in America:
An Analysis of American Jewish Women and the Negotiation of Their Jewish and Feminist Identities Pre-World War 2 to Post-World War 2
Adithi Nythruva, The University of Houston [email protected]
Rockets and Racism:
Memorializing the Space Race and German Scientists in Rocket City, USA
Jacob Winton, Florida State University [email protected]
Way Out of The Way: Finding Entertainment and Community at Smitty’s Club
Hope Evans, Florida State University [email protected]
The Invention, Patent Wars, and Long-term Effects of the Invention of Photography
Eva Poirier, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Dutch Raiders and Spanish Ruin: Economic Struggles in 17th Century Florida
Larry Soza, Miami Dade College [email protected]
Comments: Members of the McTague Award Committee
Options within blocks of Four Points by Sheraton
- Dockside Grill (at Four Points by Sheraton)
- Laishley Crab House
- Perch 360 Rooftop Restaurant and Bar
- River City Grill
- Dockside Grill (at Four Points by Sheraton)
Session Seven: Saturday, 1:00 PM-2:15 PM
Panel 7A: Body Centered Approaches to History
Meeting Room: Peace A
Bodies in Motion: Runaways during the Loyalist Period in The Bahamas
Sasha Wells, Florida International University [email protected]
Menstruation as Witchcraft:
The Colonial Spanish Menstrual Experience and the Inquisition
Courtney Weis, Florida International University [email protected]
Recaptured Minors:
Contesting Freedom in the Abolition of Slavery in the Antebellum South
Sikiru Yusuff, Florida International University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Harvey, New College of Florida [email protected]
Panel 7B: Studies on Modern War and Colonialism
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
The Union Minerie Haut Katanga and Social Control in the Belgian Congo
Jackson Cassidy, Florida Southern College [email protected]
“Let us hope we ‘carry on’”:
The Unexpected Account of William T. Usinger's 'Over There' during the Great War
Kendra Belton, Florida Southern College [email protected]
A Cycle of Retaliation: The Violence and Terror the Spanish Government and ETA Inflicted Upon Each Other in the Franco Era (1956-1975)
Gavin Dunsby, Florida Atlantic University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Charles Closmann, University of North Florida [email protected]
Panel 7C: How Sweet It Is: Icons and Images of Historic Florida
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
The History of Newspaper Wine Journalism, Florida and Across the Country
Kimberly Voss, University of Central Florida
Freshly Squeezed: The Rise of the Florida Citrus Industry
Michael Hoyt, Liberty University [email protected]
From Ponce de Leόn to Pan-Americanism:
The Florida Historical Society and Spanish Florida, 1902-1941
Lyn Hemmingway, University of Georgia [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jacob Winge, Estero Historical Society
[email protected]
Panel 7D: Re-Thinking the Medieval Era
Meeting Room: Myakka B
The Formation of Crusading Vows during the First Crusade
Paul Aitchison, Florida College [email protected]
Imagery and Blood
Alex Reid, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Finding Christina: Reconnecting St. Leonard to the Vita of Christina of Markyate
Joshua Britt, Southeastern University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Session Eight: Saturday, 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Panel 8A: Florida Newspaper Discovery #2
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
“She was a Cold-Blooded Murderer”: Homicide in Polk County and Environs as Depicted in the Lakeland Evening Telegram, 1911
Bonnie Paige Robinson, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Murder in the Florida Boom:
Homicides in Punta Gorda, Florida as Depicted in the Punta Gorda Herald, 1920
Sarah Stephens, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Race, Gender, Economics, and Politics through the Columns of the
Jacksonville Sun, 1909
Emily Evans, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair: James M. Denham, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Discussant: Richards Plavnieks, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Panel 8B: Executive Privilege: Culture, Policy, and the Modern Presidency
Meeting Room: Peace B
Peace Through Strength: The Goldwater- Reagan Relationship and Foreign Policy
Kevin Alexander, Independent Scholar [email protected]
“Nice Beard, Mr. Vice President!”: Presidential Elections and Facial Hair
Constantinos Scaros, St. Petersburg College [email protected]
A Constellation of Controversy:
Reactions to Methadone Maintenance in the American Public Sphere, 1971-1974
Devin Hernandez, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Blaine Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
[email protected]
Panel 8C: Violence and Racism in the Twentieth Century
Meeting Room: Myakka A
The Case of Stanley Puryear and Violence against White Women in Jim Crow Memphis
Brandon Jett, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
Khomeini and the KKK: The Political Machinations of Strange Bedfellows
Anna Caney, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Kimberly Voss, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Panel 8D: History Happening Now: History, Politics, and Current Events
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Russia's Use of State-Sponsored Terrorism as Acts of Covert Warfare to Avoid a Large-Scale Conflict
Jasmine Kelly, Saint Leo University [email protected]
The Russian Civil War and its Modern Day Implications
Brandon Tabala, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Global Currents of Extreme Political Ideology and Polarization in the 21st Century
Hadassa Ferreira, Saint Leo University
Chair: Marissa Rhodes, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Discussant: Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Session Nine: Saturday, 4:00 PM-5:15 PM
Panel 9A: Gender, Power, and Marginalization: A Transnational Perspective
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
Female Rage and the 15th Amendment: Suffragists’ Responses to African American Male Suffrage Alizabeth Ruiz, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Influence of the Taliban on Women's Rights Post-Soviet Occupation
Haley Gardner, Saint Leo University [email protected]
The Influence of the Southern Border Crisis on International Sex Trafficking
Jacqueline Pollok, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair: Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Discussant: Marissa Rhodes, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Panel 9B: The Whip and the Crucifix:
Slavery and the Church in Colonial Latin America
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Cuban Slavery, from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century
Maria Armengol, New College of Florida
Protector or Enforcer? The Role of the Church in Colonial Latin America
Ciara McIlvenny, New College of Florida
Chair: Alicia Mercado-Harvey, New College of Florida [email protected]
Discussant: Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Punta Gorda Historic
Mural Walking Tour
Tour: 4:15-5:30 pm
Pick-Up Location: Outside Entrance of the
Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center
Over the past 30 years, the Punta Gorda Historic Mural Society has created 32 public murals in Punta Gorda, each capturing a slice of the area’s rich history. The Society is offering a 1-hour walking tour (approximately 1 mile in length) that will visit a number of the murals and a few historic locations in the downtown area. There is a maximum of 24 people on the tour. Participation is FREE for those who sign up when you pick up your badge and program.
6:30 PM-7:30 PM: Banquet and Awards
Punta Gorda Charlotte Library
401 Shreve Street
Directions: From the Event Center, take US-41 S to W. Virginia Avenue and turn right. Virginia will end at Shreve Street; turn left and you will see the library in front of you/on the right. Once in the parking lot, enter through the main entrance and present your FCH badge. Library staff will direct you to the banquet area and the meeting room. Attendees and Guests will meet first in then proceed to the buffet line for dinner.
Welcoming Remarks
Thomas Donaldson
Florida Southwestern State College
FCH President, 2025-2026
Presentation of Awards
John J. “Jack” McTague Award for Best Poster
Presented by Dr. Marco Rimanelli, Saint Leo University
J. Calvitt Clarke III Award for Best Undergraduate Student Paper
Presented by Dr. Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University
Blaine T. Browne Award for Best Graduate Student Paper
Presented by Dr. Blaine T. Browne, Broward College (Emeritus)
Thomas M. Campbell Award for Best Professional Paper
Presented by Dr. David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
Douglas Astolfi Undergraduate Grant Award
Presented by Dr. Daniel DuBois, Saint Leo University
Remarks on the FCH Annals
Dr. Michael S. Cole
Florida Gulf Coast University
Senior Editor, FCH Annals
Remarks on the 2026 FCH Annual Meeting
Dr. Jesse Hingson
Jacksonville University
7:30 PM-8:30 PM: Keynote Address
Punta Gorda Charlotte Library
Punta Gorda, Florida
Meeting Room: Lecture Hall
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Thomas Donaldson
Florida Southwestern State College
Keynote Address
Dr. Jason Vuic
The Swamp Peddlers:
How Lot Sellers, Land Scammers, and Retirees Built Modern Florida and Transformed the American Dream
Originally from Punta Gorda, FL, Dr. Vuic is an award-winning author and historian based in Fort Worth, Texas. He has written four books, including The Yugo: the Rise and Fall of the Worst Car in History (2010), The Sarajevo Olympics: A History of the 1984 Winter Games (2015). The Yucks! Two Years in Tampa with the Losingest Team in NFL History (2016), and most recently, with the University of North Carolina Press, The Swamp Peddlers: How Lots Sellers, Land Scammers, and Retirees Built Modern Florida and Transformed the American Dream, which won the Phillip and Dana Zimmerman Gold Medal Prize for Florida Nonfiction at the 2021 Florida Book Awards, as well as the 2021 Charlton Tebeau Award for outstanding general interest book from the Florida Historical Society. Jason is a graduate of Wake Forest University, and holds an M.A. in history from the University of Richmond and a Ph.D. in history from Indiana University Bloomington.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
8:30 AM-12:00 PM: Registration
Location: Main Lobby
Refreshments will be provided during the morning sessions
Session Ten: Sunday, 9:00 AM-10:15 AM
Panel 10A: Contours of Colonial Latin American History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Early Mexico-Tenochtitlan as a Crucible of Cultural Hybridization
Michael Cole, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Observations, Land Inspections and Indigenous Tribute in the Early Colonial Viceroyalty of Peru
Alfredo Escudero, Florida International University [email protected]
Gold for Secrets: The Hartlib Circle and the West Indies, 1620-1660
Timothy Miller, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jesse Hingson, Jacksonville University [email protected]
Panel 10B: Lights, Camera, Action!
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Special Interest Section: Media, Arts, and Culture
Meeting Room: Myakka B
“Assurances of Full Cooperation”: A (Brief) History of Florida's Film and Television Industry
David Morton, University of Central Florida [email protected]
Dirty Movies and Dirty Money: Jacksonville's War on Porn, 1977-1978
David Nelson, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College-Bainbridge
[email protected]
The Limits of Disenchantment: Artificial Light and Fort Myers, Florida
Dawson Weekley, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Sean McMahon, Florida Gateway College [email protected]
Panel 10C: New Research on Medieval Europe
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace A
Raymond du Puy: The Blessed Fra
Nelson Price, Southeastern University [email protected]
Reassessing the Black Death: Archaeological Insights into Mortality in England
Mary Cousineau, Wofford College [email protected]
Heretical Development: The Formation of a Good Christian Movement in 12th Century
William Fehrs, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant:
Panel 10D: Rights and Culture in United States History
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Meeting Room: Peace B
Lincoln's Life On the Silver Screen: An Analysis
José M. Roa, Florida Southwestern State College [email protected]
NOTE: This is a documentary (11 minutes)
De Universalibus In Iure Occidentali: Natural Rights within the United States
John Carroll, Brewton-Parker College [email protected]
The Second Red Scare Hollywood and the Making of American Culture
Logan Izzo, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Thomas Donaldson, Florida Southwestern State College
Session Eleven: Sunday, 10:30 AM-11:45 AM
Panel 11A: Florida at the Periphery of War
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka A
Mudd at Fort Jefferson
David Trevino, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Lakeland and The War:
The Role of Small-Town America in Winning the Second World War
Adam Rock, Hillsborough Community College [email protected]
“More exciting than any movie or television show you have ever seen”:
A Stasi Spy on Tampa Bay
Augustine Meaher, Air University [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: Jacob Winge, Estero Historical Society
[email protected]
Panel 11B: ‘Cultura’ and Politics in Modern Florida
Special Interest Section: Undergraduate Research
Special Interest Section: Florida History
Meeting Room: Myakka B
Nuestra Organización: A Cultural Analysis of Ybor City in 1936
Jacob Cutler, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Race, Class, and Politics in Cold War Miami, 1948-1949
Eleora Funk, Florida Southern College [email protected]
Abre Tu Boca, Juzga Con Justicia y Defiende La Causa Del Pobre y Del Menesteroso:
The Farmworker Association of Florida, the Farmworker Health and Safety Institute, and Latin American Farmworkers in Florida, 1990s-2000s
Jibranth Espanol, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair: Jennifer Zoebelein, Charlotte County Historian
[email protected]
Comments: Audience
Panel 11C: Models of Repression in the Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace A
The Rent is Too Damn High:
Irish Nationalist Reactions to British Land Reform Measures, 1870-1903
Michael Vernon, Florida State University [email protected]
Depraved Science: The History of Nazi Experimentation
Matthew Motes, Florida Gulf Coast University [email protected]
Imprisoned at the Crossroads of Identity:
A Cultural History of the Rohwer War Relocation Center
Aiden Jones, University of North Florida [email protected]
Chair and Discussant: David Proctor, Tallahassee Community College
[email protected]
Panel 11D: At the Top of Their Game: Sports, Nation, and Society in the Modern Era
Meeting Room: Peace B
The 1936 Olympics: Deception and Appeasement
Mark Brown, Independent Scholar [email protected]
Harnessing Honors Education as an Engine for Sport History and Scholarship
Dan DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Chair: Dan DuBois, Saint Leo University [email protected]
Comments: Audience